Is this the same as card grading?

No. We do not currently grade or authenticate your card. We are looking into providing additional services (mainly through AI), but want to make sure that we are always able to provide a basic service of $5 for high quality scans and a slab to protect your cherished collectibles.

Why is there a cost to slab my collectible?

The materials for slabbing costs about $1 per card when running it in bulk. There is also a human cost in receiving cards, identifying them, digitizing them, slabbing them, and sending them back. The people we employ are hard working, American citizens who all have equity in the company. They do this because they are collectors themselves and they love the idea of helping you protect your collectibles. We are forever thankful that our management team is willing to be paid in sports cards.

Where do I ship my cards to?

Please keep your cards in their penny sleeves and top loaders, we will take care of removing the cards while wearing gloves and other PPE to make sure nothing gets altered during the process. We always recommend cardboard protectors to avoid bending damage during shipping, but will receive and process cards in whatever condition they arrive in even if cardboard protectors aren’t used.

Shipping address:

Five Dollar Slabs

1504 Tumbleweed Trail

Henrietta, TX 76365

Are your slabs exactly as the same as the big name grading companies?

No! Every company has their own process with patents and trade secrets. The best are the best for a reason. One key difference is that our slabs are glued together rather than hot-sealed. We know that cracking slabs happens, and we want to make sure that the card is as protected as possible in the event of a cracked slab. We are open to any and all feedback on our product, process, service, and hair styles. Just please keep in mind we are a startup and have not had time or money to get hair cuts in a long time.